Podcast 4 – Team Psychological Safety – What is the experience on your team?

by | Sep 20, 2023 | Podcasts

Welcome to Episode 4 of this Resonate Leadership Podcast series. In this episode, we discuss how to get beneath the current experience of team psychological safety.

We move from talking about the importance of fearless conversations in previous episodes, to exploring the current experience of team psychological safety through leveraging Amy Edmonson’s team questionnaire.

In this episode, we walk through the process that a team can embark on to understand the level of psychological safety in their environment, either through 1-1 conversations or through a process such as the ‘Fearless Organisation Scan’.

We explore how to get an understanding the current state-of-play, start a dialogue to unpack the data and determine actions and next steps to move that dial on psychological safety within the team, with a view to enhancing team performance.

If team psychological safety is of interest to you, please free to email us your questions and comments. If you would like to explore how to enhance psychological safety in your organisation or team, please do get in touch.

Resonate Leadership podcasts are available on spotify and other usual platforms.

For our next and final podcast, we will be moving into the territory of exploring specific practices to enhance psychological safety.