Dancing with Complexity – an invitation

by | Oct 30, 2020 | Agility, Coaching, Complexity, leadership, Reflection

As Ireland enters its second week of its second lockdown, and weariness sets in, we want to offer a perspective on how we can ‘dance with the complexity’, a phrase coined by Donella Meadows. In this instance, rather than focusing on what we can’t do, we would like to focus on what we can do. This simple switching of the lens through which we view our current situation lets us take back some control by focussing on the possible as opposed to fixating on the forbidden.

Eadine has a 13-year old who started playing Christmas songs in October and occupying her thoughts with Christmas planning in recent days. We have discovered that she is not alone in doing that amongst her age-group. As a colleague of ours, Aodán Enright, put it, we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, but we can find a way to illuminate the tunnel, which she in her way is doing.

Over the coming six weeks, we will launch a podcast and six blogs to help us consider the brighter side of things as we also acknowledge the complexity around us. Topics we will consider including are:

• Wellness and the outdoors
• Leadership and the Arts
• Gratitude
• Experimentation
• Team activities
• What we can learn from animals.

These may be written by us or indeed by guests. Our invitation to you and indeed to ourselves is to look for what’s possible that might illuminate this tunnel and find a way to ‘dance with the complexity’ to lighten some of the burden that may be felt at this time. If you are interested in taking up the invitation, please sign up to our blogpost and podcast feeds.

Eadine Hickey and Gerry Prizeman

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